Friday, June 17, 2011

Question #1: What do you hope to study when you go to college and why? How is the Pre-Collegiate program helping you meet your goals?

<-------This is me :)
I'm not 100% sure what I want to study in college yet. Working at a vet clinic over the past year through my school got me really interested in veterinary medicine. I have also always wanted to be a teacher because I love sharing information with people and helping other people learn new things. I just don't know what I would teach. I think I would be a pretty cool teacher. I also have been thinking about nursing, I would really love that because of the variety of nursing positions there are. I would just be nervous because I'm not too quick with math and at the vet clinic they always say "decimals kill" because literally I could kill an animal drawing up the wrong amount of a vaccine, and I don't want to do that. I know I will get better with studying and practice but it makes me nervous. If I were to go into nursing I would want to try the different positions but the two that interest me the most would be geriatrics or neonatal.
College in general makes me nervous because it's the only thing I actually make for myself. I choose what i do with my life through my education and knowing I have that much power over this makes me so nervous.
Pre-Collegiate has and is helping me meet my goals by exposing me too all the different areas of the medical field. I get a bit of a head start with my english composition class and I'm learning a lot about college and seeing a lot of medical-related thigns that a lot of other 17 year olds just don't do. It also keeps me on point in school because I have to get good grades to stay in the program and the summer classes keep me sharp all year long. Another thing it's helped me with is meeting a lot of people. I've made a lot of friends here and the T.A's are helpful and I feel like it gives me more people I could reach out to once I've started my college  experience.

1 comment:

  1. What an interesting job you have Alyssa! A veterinary career would be very cool. Did you know that CSU has a good vet school? But then, of course we'd like you to come here and attend our nursing school!

    Don't be nervous about college. Everyone is in the same boat at the beginning and you may find veterinary medicine or nursing are what you want. Or you may not. It's the best time to explore your options, take different courses, meet new people. Make sure you also interact with your instructors, they'll be helpful for your courses and they may be helpful in the future for your career.

    Lilian Hoffecker
    Research Librarian
