Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What is the hardest thing about finding info & doing research on a topic for you personally? Did this Library Research course help? In what ways? What couold be more helpful?

Doing research is usually pretty easy for me. At least I thought it was until I found out that the way I was doing my research was “wrong”. I found out that my favorite search engine, Google, is not as good a tool as I thought it was. I’ve learned about another source on Google, however, called Google Scholars and that’s a good way to look up information that is reliable instead of millions and millions of pages that could be just phony sites. The Library Research  course actually helped me a great deal. When learning about different ways to look up sources in the medical field and different medical websites that was a great help for my Health Disparities class as well. I learned about how I can look up books in the library as well from the internet. Another really important thing I learned was about plagiarism. I did not know all of the different types there were! I know now that I have to be really , really careful in order to avoid it. I’ve never paid much  attention to it before in my writing, (I’m not saying I’ve been plagiarizing my whole educational career) It’s just something that I didn’t think to look at as much. I thought it was okay to “summarize” other works by mentioning them but not giving them proper citations. In school, we have to write a lot of essays and usually only cite people when we quote them but after this class I know I can cite people for the ideas they have if I’m going to use them in my paper. This class will really help me in my future with college essays and I’m thankful to have had the chance to be in it.
Thank you! <3

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you found this class helpful and that you learned some useful things in the class.

    Google is great for many tasks, but it is not always the right tool for everything you need to do. It is great that you have learned about some new resources to use in the instances when Google isn't the best tool.

    Good luck to you in your continued studies!

    Melissa De Santis
    Deputy Director
    Health Sciences Library
    Univ of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
